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Congratulations! Thank you for choosing Flair For Hair to share in your very special day. We understand what goes into planning a wedding, so sit back, relax and let our Flair team of talented stylists take you to a beautiful place. Please read and complete the agreement thoroughly so we can accommodate all of your upcoming needs. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our wedding coordinator.


Name __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________         Wedding Date ____________________________________________________________

Time that you need to leave the salon __________________:_________________ am / pm                             Phone Number ____________________________________________________________

Address______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________City___________________________________________Zip Code___________________________________


We request that all brides come in at least 2 weeks prior for a trial to ensure that their special day runs smoothly.

Trial: Consist of 2-3 Styles. Timing is 1 ½ hours. Any additional styles/time will be charged accordingly.

We prefer Trial Appointments at the end of stylist shift.


Trial Reservation Date __________________________________________________________             Trial Reservation Time _________________________:_______________________ am / pm

ë Please bring any hair accessories or head piece to your trial ë

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